The Sarah Connors - The Revenge Of The Black Squid LP

Item 664 of 681
€ 12,00 (including VAT)

Description: Reggae / rocksteady / funk from Paris
Format & package: LP
Year of release: 2013


Beschreibung: Reggae / Rocksteady / Funky aus Paris
Format & Verpackung: LP
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013

1  All Night We Stand     
2  Cash & Class     
3  The Girls Are Getting Uptight     
4  Run, Baby Run !!!     
5  Should I Give In     
6  You Shine     
7  You Got Right     
8  Reach The Ground     
9  Les Calamars Dans L Espace     
10 Boogie Berry     
11 Crazy Guy     
12 F.Y.A     
13 Some Day Long     
14 Hold     
15 One Way Left     
16 Tourbitron

Specification Description
Weight 0,25 Kg
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